I used this book in order to broaden my understanding of music videos and really get to grips with the purpose of them. Firstly I looked into the influence of music videos due to rise of MTV in the early 2000's, the 'MTV generation' usually is influenced by the film industry inter cutting their products with music promotion. This lead to the music videos featuring clips from films while the band performs therefore the music will be linked with the film, which promotes the film and the film promotes the single and the album.
Singing and music have been a tool in culture and learning. Learning from what role models such as musicians do in their videos has always been a concern because it is seen as highly influential. Furthermore sharing music between generations in a family can be a pleasurable experience, which shows that influence can be shared quickly. Music also is often a major part of a teenager's separate world as a form of escaping from the physical world. It is quite common for teenagers to get pleasure from keeping adults out, which causes adults some distress because they can't monitor the influence.
The influence of music videos can link to the development and growth of teenagers is the negative and destructive themes of some kinds of music such as rap and hiphops. The following themes, which are featured prominently in some lyrics, can be particularly troublesome:
- Drugs and alcohol abuse that is glamorized
- Suicide as an "alternative" or "solution"
- Graphic violence
- Sex which focuses on control, sadism, masochism, incest, children devaluing women, and violence toward women
Music is not usually a danger for a teenager whose life is balanced and healthy. But if a teenager is persistently preoccupied with music that has seriously destructive themes, and there are changes in behavior such as isolation, depression, alcohol or other drug abuse, evaluation by a qualified mental health professional should be considered.
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