When I created my AS media film I wasn't to concerned about the location and the whole affair was very last minute. However within a music video I will be going to a variety of different locations because music videos are very fast pace and the average amount of locations, which I calculated from my research was four different locations for the performer(s). I will aim to match this average because it allows me to have more options when editing. Furthermore I want to be able to overshoot on set to be able to get around double the amount of shots I need because it means that if I can't get the shot I want or another shot doesn't work I will have some to back up. I always do this because it avoids re-shoots. Re-shoots are really frustrating and must always try and be avoided because they take up valuable time in the shooting schedule and if the scene s only on screen for five seconds in a music video it becomes even more of a burden. The locations that I have looked at are broken down abandoned places, areas in school and military themed locations. The mise en scene in my music video is very important because I have so little time per shot to keep an audience gripped and to withhold a narrative. I will have to do extensive research into location, costume and props to help me construct a gripping visual narrative.

this military link is because the song is called Battelfield.
This is the perfect location for my shoot because I could get everything I want from one location. Problems that come with this location is the accessibility due to the short window we have to shoot and the opening hours of 6pm - 8am. Furthermore I doubt that this place has running power supplies, which means a whole lot of batteries for lighting and camera equipment. This means that I will have to make sure everything has enough charge before we get there or we can't film anything. Another option

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