My product is complety built upon previous media to create something slightly different, this is because I have set out to make something 'new' instead of 'original'. This is heavily influenced by our theory lessons on postmodernism, this is because we were looking into theories that looked into the idea that 'Everything is a Remix'. I wanted to try and make my music video self aware of this theory therefore I used several conventions and visual elements from other texts. The reason I did this is to link into the idea of the internet, which is where my artist is based. I found these conventions through my research into music videos and postmodernism.
- Camera Hit - this came from both K Pop and western rap music videos because they heavily interact with camera often hitting and moving it.
- Mints - This is more influenced by the lyrics but the motion of how the mints move onto the screen connotes 'advertisement', which pokes fun at all media trying to sell something to the viewer.
- Smoke - This was a convention that I found in a lot of music videos in general.
- Film Noir - This was a film convention that focussed on the shadows created with Lowkey lighting, I used this throughout my music video because it helped me focus on the depth and shadows.
- Blood/Selective Colour - The bright white blood with the cartoonish style along with the selctive colour was inspired by SinCity. This is a very slight reference to the film.
- Goat Scream - Within the sound design in the film world the 'Wilhelm Scream' is often used as a reference to sound design, I decided to do something similar but used the 'Goat Scream' from a popular internet video that has become a meme. This scream signifies the idea of remixing on the internet.
- Low Angle - The low angle for the chorus is almost directly taken from the Eminem music video 'Berzerk' which shares a similar style and pace towards my video.
- Light Saber - The Starwars reference of the light saber shows the nerdier side to the artist and further connotes the popular 21st century culture.
- Jacket - The 'Army Jacket' is a reference to my AS media product, 'Conscience' because it is the same jacket ised as the military character in that film.
- Sharpshooter - This is a reference towards the song 'Sharpshooter' a popular rap track.
- Hoodie - The hoodie signifies the rebellious side to rap that people often associate with the music genre.
- Mirror Effect - This is a reference to rap and grim music videos because they often use the convetion of the 'mirror' effect.
- Digital Transitions - The whole digital old TV look is based off the idea that it is on the internet and was inpried again by 'Berzerk'.
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